Having a Blog
My expectation of having a blog is really fun, cool and awesome for me, this is my second time to create a blog. Well, I don’t know if for my friends it's not boring to make comments when they assign you a specific idea for making one. But thanks God they let us make free post for ourselves.
Sometimes for me reading my comments on both of my blogs are really fun because you want to know what your friends think about all what you have done on something like in this blog. It's also cool writing comments to your friends and showing them how special their blogs are or showing them what you think about their posting and correct their mistakes, etc.
What I've learned on Blogger is how to create a blog by doing certain steps, I've learned how to comment people, and as well reading my comments, another thing, which is the last of the common tools on Blogger I had learned is to creating post and putting hyperlinks, pictures, etc.
Blogger had been really useful for me 'cause I can express myself to all my friends and we can get in contact by... Commenting us etc. Also it had been useful in a way that we have to retell stories, write what do we think about it, all this increase my English skills.
That's what I think about Blogger
A Story to Prevent Rats in the Future
The story I'm going to talk about is called "Three Skeleton Key" awesome story, but was really exxagerated and scary. Definitely I hate rats. Even more if they are sea rats! I wonder why they didn't name it "The Sea Rats Attack." The most horrible part was when the rats climbed to the light house and they broke the window's mark! But what I really didn't like was that they almost ate Itchua alive! Poor him. It remembers me when my grandmother told me that once she met a girl who had a little bird and the rat ate him. With the conclusion that the little bird was Itchua.
The three inoffensive lighthouse keepers were running really fast up to the light, where the door was of steel. It's like the movie called "Darkness Falls" That movie was horrible! Almost the same as this part of the story, the movie's characters were running up where the light was so the horrible beast didn't eat them. The thing is that the horrible beast was scared of the light. About that, the part that I most HATE was that Itchua died.
Ha-ha. The part which I pee on myself laughing was when the rats made from themselves a pile! It’s almost the same as some cartoons I had saw on TV. But another thing also remebers me to Duffy's Jacket... When the rats where in search of their food! As when the horrible sentinel was in look foot Duffy!
Image above "Sea Rat" swimming.
Tips for fashion
Hello, it's me again! I want to tell you some tips of fashion... (Only for girls), that I found in a magazine called Tu. I hope you like it! =)

It is cool being strawberry.
-Did you know that if you eat eight strawberries per day you can impr ove you health ?-Are keys for preventing illness.-They offer a strong nutritional value.-Sweet!

Radiography of a grape
-In their seeds you can find the tannins and delicious oil that are excellent to hydrate the skin.
-In the pulp are the vitamins M: sugar, potassium, and calcium, that are the mayor source or energy.
-Helps to combat the constipation.
Cool body... On wheels.
-The spinning is one of the physical activities more practiced in the world. Thanks that in 40 minutes of spinning promise to burn more than 500 calories. Is beneficial to hips, legs, arms, belly, etc. An advice is to practice 2 times a week. Don’t forget to keep your body strong!
Crocodile Hunter Dies
I definitely hate crocs. But for others, like the famous Steve Irwin was backwards. But there’s a new that a ray killed him. This is a new written by Suzanne Freeman.
Crocodile Hunter Dies, September 5, 2006”
Animal lovers around the world are mourning the death of Australia’s
Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. Irwin, age 44, was killed by a stingray in an
accident on Monday.
The accident took place while Irwin was diving off the
Great Barrier Reef of Australia’s northeast coast. As he swam over the more than
200-pound stingray, its poisonous tail spiked him in the chest. The attack
damaged his heart.”
Omg, I never thought that could happen to Steve. I didn’t think that he would be killed by a poisonous ray, maybe it would have been by a crocodile, or by a snake because it is what he most did in his life. I loved his programs, and I think that is so sad for a cool, extravagant, and hyperactive person like Steve had to die. But life is like that, everybody has its end.
Some of my Friend's Blogs
My friend has a nice blog, he name is
Susana, but sometimes she returns crazy!
Pau is a organized person. Maybe as her blog. She like us to call her Pauli, because is a sweat name.
Naty is another of my friends. She likes High School Musical and their songs.
She also has a really colorful blog.