Saturday, February 17, 2007

Drugs reaches Cape Town, Africa

In Cape Town, their is a drug among teens and kids called in the United State 'crystal meth', which is a powerfull drug that makes you feel active, alert and a feeiling of beeing strong. This drug is called tik in Cape Town. That drug makes you see families tering out, bulling in schools, crime, violence and much more.

You can find it in every corner. Some girls are selling themselves, or in other words beeing a prostitue for the tik in a staw. These drugs are selled in a piece of straw which are melted with both ends and filled up with tik.

A girl who was in a rehabilitation for drug addicts was consuming this drug with a group of friends at school, in 2003. She said that the drug was awesome. That you could feel the rush till your toes and made you feel agitated. She said she could talked all the time. For her, the comedown is horrible. She says that she could feel her stomach beeing ripped out, and she returned aggresive. She beated her brother and sister, and swearing to her mom and dad.

Some addicts areup to ten, or even much younger! The girl said that he tik was really descructive, not only the people who use it, but also the family.

This drug had been through all Cape Town, this city is ruled by gangs and unemployaments that are reached up to 80%. Some teenages sell tik to support their family or steal money, cloth, and everything they look that they like.

Methamphetamine is no longer used by Americans, but in Cape Town, this growth has been explosive. Some people says that tik had grown dramatically. Every years it increases, as it decreaser the years of the people using it...

The drug that makes you feel good had been published its ingredients on the internet for people to do it on their homes.

Teens says that this drug makes you feel really good, as if you had were really 'relaxed'. This drug just have what teenages want. This drug had been returned into middle-class drug. Its really cheap and everyone can buy it. If you start using it at 15 years old, you would be problaby spending 8 $ a day, and for years later, 100$.

For some users, this drug causes irritability, insomnia, confusion, tremors, convulsions, anxiety, paranoia and aggression. This drug is related with HIV 'cause of teenages behavoir sexually.

We've seen a dramatic increase in tik use in the past couple of years,"
said Grant Jardine, director of the Cape Town Drug Counseling Center. "It is
increasing every year, and the age at which people start using is getting
younger and younger each year."

What I think of this information called "Drug takes toll on Cape Town's teens" was really surprising because it tells all the story of how teenages life in Cape Town, which makes me see a bad image of that city as a poverty one. This article really concerned me and surprised me also because teenages are consuming this drug since 10 years old and much younger.

I want to lead my path on what I had learned of this to teenages, so they reallize how people had lived and how they had wasted there money, and much more bad things.


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